Careers Programme Information
Students will be able to find careers guidance information in the following areas:
Careers section of the school library
Careers display board
Form notice board
Guest Speakers
St Bernard’s Careers Fair
St Bernard’s School website – calendar of events
St Bernard’s Social Media platforms
Google Classroom
Mr Mills
Ian Killip (Skills and Development Advisor)
Form Tutor
Subject Teachers
As a parent and carer you play a pivotal role in helping your child to make an informed decision about their future. In order to support them in realising their goals and aspirations it is vital that you have access to up to date information regarding the options open to your child on leaving school. As a school we will ensure that we communicate all upcoming careers related events to you via the following formats:
Arbor and text alerts
Relevant professionals and organisations at parents’ evenings.
Parent information sessions
St Bernard’s School Website – calendar of events.
St Bernard’s School Social Media Platform
If you require any further information please do not hesitate in contacting Mr M Mills via email:
In order to deliver an engaging and informative careers programme of study it is essential that we engage as many local employers and providers of post 16 destinations as possible. This is an integral part of the implementation of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
If you are a provider who would like to contribute to the delivery of our current careers programme please contact Mr Mills via email:
You can view more information on our Careers Programme by clicking here or on the link at the top right hand side of this page.
Our Provider Access Arrangements can also be viewed within our policy pages, or by clicking on the link at the top right hand side of this page.
Regardless of our position in school and our subject area we are all teachers of careers information, advice and guidance. We should all be working towards inspiring and raising the aspirations of all of our students by being willing to engage and discuss the range of career opportunities open to our students. This dialogue will enhance and support our current careers programme of study. In order to inform your discussions with students the following sources of information may be useful:
Destination Data
Labour Market Information
Parent/Guardian Information
Careers Conversations is aimed at parents/carers to help them understand the careers landscape and provide support to their young people.
Click HERE for information